HOW can you fit exercise into an extremely busy life?

There’s a quote I love, “the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off”and it applies here: you will find a way to fit exercise into your life if you want to. External changes will make it easier, but we can’t always rely on those. Exercise has to be on your priority list.

(Sometimes that’s just not going to happen. If it doesn’t matter to you as much as something else, that is ok, but you will keep running your mind ragged if you focus on the externals without examining the possible internal barriers)

This is difficult for anyone to hear, about anything they feel they can't do, because we don't hear it - we hear something elseWith exercise, that ‘something else’ could be: “You’re not doing enough, other people prioritise exercise but you don’t. You *should* want to fit it in. You must be lazy…” and so on.

It’s easy to get defensive, so we generate excuses. Although they're valid, they don’t resolve the underlying problem. One issue is that we don’t feel in control of our lives, which is sort-of true and sort-of not true. When events like schedule interruptions or injuries happen, they're often out of our control, but that doesn’t mean we have zero control - we are in control of the next steps and our reactions.

(Not this AGAIN)

Yes, this again. 

This doesn’t mean you have to be happy. It means you choose to do something to improve a difficult hand. It doesn’t mean you can make the situation perfect, but surely it’s better to take control of improving things than doing nothing whatsoever? 

(This is why I try to avoid arguments about whether we have or do not have control, because it  isn’t very useful. We absolutely don’t have 100% control, but focusing on that often stops us seeing possibilities where we do have control. It’s often more useful to think about where we can make improvements, rather than argue about how much control we have)

So, we have our priorities, and we have control over improving some things in difficult situations. What if exercise isn’t a priorities? How do you make it one, so you can take control of improving (not perfecting) situations that make exercise difficult? 

Here, it’s worth looking at your value hierarchies; these are hierarchies comprised of actions (micro-routines) that help you to achieve your values. To be a priority, exercise must be a micro-routine enmeshed in a value hierarchy, so that your reasons for doing it are meaningful. Rather than answering the question, "why does exercise matter?" with an external expectation or standard, you see how exercise can help you achieve a higher goal or purpose

Because I should” - “Because I want to lose weight” - “Because I want to be fit


To stay physically and mentally healthy to avoid disease and infirmity? 
To prove to yourself that you can achieve a difficult goal? 
To have more energy to run around with your kids?

What values do these help you achieve?

Being a contributing member of society? 
Being a good person who can inspire and help others? 
Being a good parent?

If exercise helps you to be a better person, or a better parent, you'll fit it in, and it will likely lead to other positive choices and results (see "The REAL reason exercise is good for your mental health"). 

One last thought...

If you map out how exercise fits within your value hierarchy, you don't always have to choose it. Sometimes ‘contradictory’ micro-routines are necessary to achieve your values. Resting and relaxing, for example, also help you stay healthy, avoid burnout, and give you energy for your kids. Rather than black-and-white thinking, think gray and find the right balance of micro-routines that help you achieve your values. 

Remember, nothing is perfect, you’re aiming for the best you can do with what you’ve got!

For more information on value hierarchies and exercise routines, see Phoenix Strength & Conditioning’s blog, or get in touch

Sophie Gray


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